Sunday, May 9, 2010

eat, drink, be merry?

Dear Red,

I know ive spent my entire life living for others. with all that's been going on in your life lately, i've watched you live your life for other people. but just the other day, my brother asked me, encouraged me, to live for myself. he said this is all we have, and if you base your choices on the judgment of others, youll miss out on the golden years.

heres my dilemma, do i live for others, or do i finally start living for myself?

must they be separate entities?

because it seems to be that way.

if i continue to base all my actions on the good of others, i will live a relatively guilt-free life. I will feel good in an arguably self-righteous manner. I will be proud of my actions. but i wont be necessarily doing what brings happiness or pleasure. and i know what youre thinking Red, because im thinking it too... really Sam? you think pleasure is the basis of happiness?


not always. thus far ive told myself happiness is found in love of others, but what happens when what needs to be done out of love for others is self-destructive?

i'm finding myself tiptoeing this fine line as of late.

ok, so lets assume i choose to live for myself, then i will be consumed by guilt. its just who i am.

so im screwed???

whats your take on this smorshe?

amorvincitomnia? i am trying to convince myself so.



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