Monday, May 10, 2010

Give life a kidney shot, and chase after your dreams!


I guess I should ask what it exactly means: “living for others”? This year I have realized that it is absolutely impossible living for oneself. What I mean by that statement is this: Despite what many may tell you, everything you chose to do, say, ect, effects not only yourself but all those around you. For the good, for the bad. We are all affected by one another. John Donne once said, “No man is an island…”

With this being said, that doesn’t mean you cannot achieve personal happiness or search for that one thing that makes you come alive, because in doing so, in the end, you will make others come alive.

Here’s my philosophy, there must be a balance. If you do everything for yourself then you forget about the common good for all. And if you do everything for everyone else, then you forget about following your own passions and desires that can then benefit others.  For example, in the pursuit of finding love, you are doing it for your own happiness, but the end result is a beautiful love that many will be able to witness and share in. So perhaps at first it is for yourself, but in the end it is for all.

There is a time where you must venture out on your own and find your own adventure and self-discovery. Sometimes others will be upset or may not understand, but time will give them clarity and all will be all right. It’s almost like a cost-benefit analysis. At what cost are you willing to do something else? And yet at the same time, one must do what makes them come alive or there is no purpose to life. We must live together, we must support each other, we must save each other. But we must save ourselves first before we can help anyone else… 


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